When I was young, I used to dream of being a world changer, a history-maker, for the purposes of God. Now I'm (slightly) older, I know that anyone can do this - it doesn't depend on ability, or some personal attribute, it depends on stepping out in obedience to God, putting faith to the test, and the power of prayer. If you are exactly where God has called you, doing what he's anointed you to do in the place he's anointed you to be, you can live life that is exciting and miraculous beyond your wildest dreams. Not glamorous - obedience is a place of humility and there is a cost. But a place where you know God, because either he comes through for you or you crash and burn. And he comes through every time :)
This has been my experience. I am living my dream. Its not an ability of my own, or personal charisma, or super-human energy or anything else that depends on me - its all about God creating something amazing and me being privileged to be a part of it. He is the one who does amazing things over and over, to make every difference in our hurting world. He is the one who shines :)