We had a wonderful reason to celebrate recently - Daughters just turned 5 years old on January 1st 2012, and we held a celebration in February in the new building we rented in February. It was a special time together :) to which we also invited a few partners and friends of Daughters. We had some worship together, testimonies from clients, a message pastor David Chacko (Covenant Renewal Centre), slide show looking back over 5 years, cake from Daughters cafe, and we all agreed together as I (Ruth) prayed this prayer:
"Jesus, we want to thank you for your great faithfulness to us these last 5 years. We acknowledge that it is you that has led Daughters and done an amazing work changing so many lives, leading so many out of slavery and darkness, into freedom and light. We give you all the glory for this, and we thank you for allowing us to be part of such a wonderful miracle. We are blessed and privileged to be part of this, and most of all to know you.
Thank you too for this great new premises which you have provided for us. Please fill this place with your presence, we invite you to come here. Please make our work fruitful in this place. We dedicate this building, we dedicate the work of our hands, and we dedicate our lives to you. In Jesus name. Amen!"